Whichever method you use, make sure Excel isn't running at the time.ĪI: Artificial Intelligence or Automated Idiocy? Please mark Yes/No as to whether a Reply answers your question. The 'downside' is that you may have to reset some of your Excel Preferences. Disclaimer: Microsoft provides no assurances and/or warranties. For your reference: Use safe mode to isolate issues with your Mac. In addition, you may start Mac in safe mode, then check if the issue will happen. Excel will buildĪ new one when next launched & should use the default of displaying the Toolbar Area. Hi Keith, Please close Excel and reboot Mac, then restart Excel and check if the issue persists. If you're not comfortable doing that I believe you can remedy the situation by simply deleting the. I Microsoft Office ISimpli/ied f Excel 5 For Window Simplified m it. What seems to be happening is that for those who upgraded an existing installation to Lion while the Toolbar Area was minimized the setting is still in effect but there's no longer a way to turn it off. Previously, Grand Junctions Ethernet switches supported only a single MAC address. It disappeared just as mysteriously as it had been introduced with no fanfare In 10.7 they removed a feature that was present in OS X 10.5 & 10.6 which enabled Minimizing the Toolbar Area - an oblong button at the right-end of the document window's title bar.